Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Project Princess

In late 2011, I made my first trip to Uganda. Our arrangements in country were managed by "Inspire and Tour Uganda" owner Fiona. Fiona runs a nursery school, but she has a passion for young girls staying in school and becoming empowered members of Ugandan society.  This Inspire and tour Uganda enterprise was primarily the funding source, at the time, for a project Fiona really puts her heart into.

Fiona started Project Princess. She began by meeting with secondary girls, talking, providing psychosocial support, even in the form of sanitary supplies - anything that would make it easier for the girls to stay in school.

With her comes Betty. Betty has recently earned her degree from Makerere University. Well-done and has worked steadily with Fiona on this effort.

Today, these two beautiful women took me lunch. We laughed together and encouraged one another. We had so much fun.

And, here is what I found out about Project Princess. They have purchased a building - an old house in Ntinda that they use for office space and meeting. There are several more volunteers involved. They have activities for the girls at the house which is accessible easily to them from their schools. The house is really great. There is a really nice big welcoming room with arts and banners. Fiona has an office. There is a small area for preparing some small snacks. There is a board room with a big table for meeting around. The backyard is really nice. They have planted grass and really made the place lovely.

They have networked with many successful Ugandan women to volunteer their time to work with the girls. Moreover, they are hoping to attract people to come and do some volunteer work with the girls. Chalmer, Mudiwa, Meagan and I went to one school with Fiona and Betty to meet the girls. It was a really great experience. We shared stories and encouragements with them and met in small groups to answer questions.

Check out their website:www.theprojectprincess.org

I am so impressed with the sacrifices and commitments people are making here to contribute to the well-being of their Ugandan brothers and sisters. Thanks Fiona and Betty for showing me a better way to live.

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